Měsíční archivy: Listopad 2023

AAA Global Care Foundation Delivers to Prague 7

Following our successful collection drive, the AAA Global Care Foundation recently delivered groceries and sanitary items to the Prague 7 municipality. This effort is part of our ongoing commitment to support those in need. The goods, generously donated by the community, will assist local families and individuals. Our team worked closely with Prague 7 officials to ensure a smooth distribution. We’re grateful for everyone’s contributions and are encouraged by the impact of this initiative. The foundation looks forward to continuing our support within the community.

AAA Global Care Foundation’s Successful Grocery Collection Event in Prague

On November 11, 2023, the AAA Global Care Foundation held a grocery and sanitary material collection drive at Albert – Galerie Harfa in Prague. I am pleased to report that the event was a success, thanks to the efforts of our volunteers and the generosity of the community.

Throughout the day, we were joined by numerous individuals who contributed to our cause, bringing with them a wide range of groceries and sanitary items. The atmosphere was one of quiet determination and community spirit, with everyone working together towards a common goal.

In total, we collected over 1,500 kilograms of goods, a significant amount that will undoubtedly be of great help to those in need. These items are now being prepared for distribution to various individuals and families who can benefit from them.

I would like to extend my sincere thanks to everyone who participated, including our hardworking volunteers. Your support was crucial in making this event a success. The accompanying photos capture some moments from the day, highlighting the people who came together for this cause.

This event is just one of many ways the AAA Global Care Foundation is working to support our community. We are encouraged by the success of this drive and are motivated to continue our efforts in helping those in need.

Update on the „Rice for Nigeria“ Project

7th November 2023 – Update!

The process of repacking and preparing for distribution is progressing smoothly, as evident in the photos and videos below. We extend our gratitude to all our volunteers in Lagos for their hard work. Soon, the packs will be ready for dispatch to those in the villages who need them the most. Read more here

Proces přebalení a přípravy distribuce probíhá hladce, což lze vidět na fotografiích a videích níže. Děkujeme všem našim dobrovolníkům v Lagosu za jejich tvrdou práci. Brzy budou balíčky připraveny k odeslání lidem ve vesnicích, kteří je potřebují nejvíce. Přečtěte si více

homeless community at Vltavska in November 2023

Some Groceries for Homeless at Vltavska

Yesterday, 3rd November, the AAA Global Care Foundation team, represented by Yomi, stopped by Vltavska in Prague 7 to give out some groceries to the homeless. A simple act, hoping to offer a bit of relief and a friendly face. Small steps like these can make a difference, and we’re committed to taking them. The evening are certainly getting colder now.