Měsíční archivy: Září 2023

Meeting Prague 7

Meeting at Prague 7 Town Hall (in Czech).

Proběhlo setkání sociálních odborů na MČ Praha 7 s panem Yomi Akinyemi. Diskutovalo se o tom, jakým způsobem může organizace AAAGCF pomoci s zlepšením sociální situace osob ohrožených sociálním vyloučením. Organizace poskytuje MČ Praha 7 pravidelnou potravinovou pomoc a pastorační činnost. Konkrétně potravinová pomoc zlepšuje životní podmínky klientům Odboru sociálního začleňování, Odboru sociálních věcí, OSPOD a neziskovým organizacím.

On 24th May 2023, we had a meeting at Prague 7 Town Hall in Czech. It was intentionally cut into 7 parts for easy viewing. The videos are below.

Part 1 – setkání radnice Praha 7 – část 1.

Part 2 – setkání radnice Praha 7 – část 2.

Part 3 – setkání radnice Praha 7 – část 3.
Part 4 – setkání radnice Praha 7 – část 4.
Part 5 – setkání radnice Praha 7 – část 5.
Part 6 – setkání radnice Praha 7 – část 6.
Part 7 – setkání radnice Praha 7 – část 7.


I had an amazing experience at the Resnick Aspen Action Forum. Below is a short video and pictures from the conference.

I attended the 2023 Resnick Aspen Action Forum, which took place from July 25-28 in Aspen, Colorado. The theme of the forum was „Courage, Healing, and Repair,“ and I learned a lot about how to create a more just and equitable world.

The forum featured a variety of speakers and workshops, all focused on helping us to become more courageous leaders. I learned how to build strong relationships, how to overcome my fears, and how to take bold action to make a difference.

I also had the opportunity to connect with other leaders from around the world. I believe that we can learn a lot from each other, and I am grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with others to create a better future.

I am grateful for the opportunity to attend this important forum. I know that it was a valuable experience that helped me to become a more effective leader.

Children's Home Prague 9

Visit to Children’s Home in Prague 9

Children's Home Prague 9
Children’s Home Prague 9

On Wednesday 30th August 2023, we delivered some much needed supplies a children’s home in Dolní Počernice in Prague 9. We arrived with a good amount of food supplies and enjoyed talking to many of the children who live there.