Měsíční archivy: Únor 2024

Rice for Nigeria

Rice for Nigeria in Makoko Slum, Lagos

On January 25, 2024, the AAA Global Care Foundation hosted a significant event in Makoko, Lagos, starting before dawn at 5 am. Our day began with a visit to the bustling fish market in Makoko, a vital part of the community. While there, we captured a video showcasing the vibrant market life, though it doesn’t include our meeting with the Women’s leader where we introduced our team and discussed our mission. This video is available below for a glimpse into the local atmosphere.

Following our market visit, we used loudspeakers to communicate our purpose and share a message about the gospel of Jesus with the broader community. The main event was distributing 3kg bags of rice and spices to hundreds of residents. The feedback was extremely positive, with many people expressing their thanks for the support.

As the distribution concluded, the atmosphere turned celebratory. One of our volunteers led the crowd in gospel songs, sparking spontaneous dancing and smiles among the participants. It was a joyous end to a day filled with giving and gratitude.

This effort underscored the importance of supporting each other and the impact small gestures can have on a community. We extend our deepest thanks to all involved, from the volunteers and donors to the residents of Makoko, for making this event a success. A special mention goes to the Women’s leader for helping us connect with the community.

At the end of this post, you’ll find the video from the fish market, offering a look into the daily life of Makoko and setting the stage for our day of distribution and connection.

Check out the images and videos below to see more from the day.

This video shows the end of the event in Makoko.

February 2024 – Grocery Distribution to Homeless People in Central Prague

On Thursday, 15th February 2024, the AAA Global Care Foundation team returned to central Prague late in the evening to distribute groceries to the homeless. This event marked a significant moment, as Pastor Yomi had just come back from Nigeria, where he participated in the „Rice for Nigeria“ project, and the volunteers had been on a holiday break. The homeless community had keenly felt their absence and were genuinely delighted to see Pastor Yomi and the team again.

Prague Families Receive Helping Hand from AAA Global Care Foundation

On Saturday, February 17th, the AAA Global Care Foundation continued its work supporting families in need across Prague. They delivered essential groceries to grateful families, bringing a bit of relief and a reminder that they’re not alone.

The pictures show the impact of their efforts. Families, with genuine smiles, received the much-needed supplies. Each bag represented more than just food; it represented hope and a helping hand.

The AAA Global Care Foundation goes beyond simply providing basic necessities. They understand the importance of building community and fostering hope, especially during challenging times. By consistently reaching out and offering support, they make a real difference in the lives of countless individuals.

This act of kindness inspires us all. It reminds us of the power we each have to impact others, even through seemingly small gestures. Let’s celebrate the AAA Global Care Foundation’s dedication and strive to emulate their compassion in our own lives, creating a brighter future for everyone in need.

Hope and Solidarity: AAA Global Care Foundation’s Mission at the IDP Camp in Makurdi

On the 29th January 2024 AAA Global Care Foundation recently made a trip to the IDP Camp in Abagena, Makurdi, Nigeria.

IDP stands for Internal Displacement Camp. It’s a place where people go when they have to leave their homes because of violence or the threat of violence. These people often arrive with nothing.

Volunteers from the AAA Global Care Foundation drove from Kaduna to the camp with a Toyota full of supplies like rice, beans, and spices. They teamed up with local volunteers to give out these supplies. They organized the event carefully to make sure everyone received their packages smoothly.

In the video shared, you’ll notice a lot of women and children, and fewer men. Many of the women are widows, lost their husbands to recent violence. It’s also clear that a lot of people are wearing worn-out clothes because they don’t have anything else to wear.

Even though the situation is tough, the mood in the camp was surprisingly positive, with many smiles around. The volunteers handed out hundreds of packages, each with enough food for about 10 meals, helping each family for a few days.

The interaction between the volunteers and the camp residents was touching. It showed that kindness and support during hard times are valuable, offering hope and a sense of community.

Watch the video and look at the photos below.

AAA Global Care Foundation’s Visit to Oshodi’s Homeless Youth. Lagos

On a day that was meant to celebrate the birth of one of our own, the AAA Global Care Foundation team embarked on a journey filled with hope, compassion, and the desire to make a tangible difference in the lives of the homeless youth of Oshodi, Lagos, Nigeria. This visit, held on February 3, 2024, transcended beyond a mere outreach; it became a beacon of light for many who have long dwelt in the shadows of society.

Our interaction with the community was deeply moving, not just for the youths we set out to support but for every member of our team. Amidst the challenges these young individuals face daily, we found moments of pure joy and heartfelt connection. The day was spent not only sharing meals and joyful birthday songs but also in prayer and words of encouragement that we hoped would ignite a spark of hope in their hearts.

Understanding the critical role communication plays in today’s world, and recognizing the isolation felt by many of these youths, the AAA Global Care Foundation took a step further by gifting mobile phones to some individuals within the community. This gesture aimed to connect them back to the world, provide them with access to opportunities, and most importantly, give them a tool through which they can reach out for help and support.

The distribution of food brought smiles and a sense of community as we all shared a meal, breaking down barriers and reminding us all of our shared humanity. It was a moment of unity, where the simple act of eating together served as a powerful reminder of the basic needs that bind us all, regardless of our backgrounds.

Our prayers and words of encouragement were aimed at uplifting the spirits of these young souls, providing them with a sense of belonging and hope for the future. We shared stories of resilience, success against the odds, and the importance of holding onto dreams, no matter how distant they may seem.

The impact of this visit was profound. Witnessing the joy in their eyes, the genuine smiles, and the laughter that filled the air was a clear reminder of why the work of the AAA Global Care Foundation is so crucial. But our efforts do not stop here. This visit has strengthened our resolve to continue our mission of rehabilitation for these young individuals. We are more committed than ever to providing them with the resources, education, and support needed to transform their lives.

As we reflect on this day of hope and shared humanity, we extend an invitation to you, our community, to join us in this mission. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of the homeless youth of Lagos. Your support, whether through donations, volunteering, or simply spreading the word, can help us turn these moments of connection into a sustained effort to uplift and empower.

The AAA Global Care Foundation believes in a future where every child and youth has the opportunity to lead a fulfilling life, free from the shackles of homelessness and despair. Join us as we work towards making this vision a reality. Together, we can make a difference.

#AAAGlobalCare #OshodiYouth #Hope #CommunitySupport #TransformingLives