Testimonials / Řekli o nás

30th October 2023 – Kayode Oladele, UK
Hello sir, I have gone through your site, I am absolutely glad for the way God has been using you and touching lives. I am very proud of you on this achievement, and since I knew you, you are one of the few people who is very considerate, caring, and loving. The Lord almighty will continue to bless you.

For the last four or five years, AAA Global care foundation regularly visits the children’s home at Dolni Pocernice to deliver groceries and hygene materials. Here the director of the children’s home says a quick thank you for the regular contributions.

„Poslední čtyři až pět let pravidelně navštěvuje AAA Global Care Foundation dětský domov v Dolních Počernicích, aby doručila potraviny a hygienické potřeby. Zde ředitel dětského domova rychle poděkuje za pravidelné příspěvky.“