Archiv autora: AbayomiAkinyemi

Update on the „Rice for Nigeria“ Project

7th November 2023 – Update!

The process of repacking and preparing for distribution is progressing smoothly, as evident in the photos and videos below. We extend our gratitude to all our volunteers in Lagos for their hard work. Soon, the packs will be ready for dispatch to those in the villages who need them the most. Read more here

Proces přebalení a přípravy distribuce probíhá hladce, což lze vidět na fotografiích a videích níže. Děkujeme všem našim dobrovolníkům v Lagosu za jejich tvrdou práci. Brzy budou balíčky připraveny k odeslání lidem ve vesnicích, kteří je potřebují nejvíce. Přečtěte si více

homeless community at Vltavska in November 2023

Some Groceries for Homeless at Vltavska

Yesterday, 3rd November, the AAA Global Care Foundation team, represented by Yomi, stopped by Vltavska in Prague 7 to give out some groceries to the homeless. A simple act, hoping to offer a bit of relief and a friendly face. Small steps like these can make a difference, and we’re committed to taking them. The evening are certainly getting colder now.

On October 18th, we delivered a substantial collection of winter clothing and other items to Municipal District Prague 7 for distribution to the underserved and needy.

Winter Clothes For Prague Homeless

On October 18th, we delivered a substantial collection of winter clothing and other items to Municipal District Prague 7 for distribution to the underserved and needy.

Pastor Yomi and Mr. Pavel Veleman (Social worker Prague 7) taking delivery of the items (right).

Pastor Yomi and Mrs. Katerina Laskovska(head of department of social inclusion) (centre).

Meeting Prague 7

Meeting at Prague 7 Town Hall (in Czech).

Proběhlo setkání sociálních odborů na MČ Praha 7 s panem Yomi Akinyemi. Diskutovalo se o tom, jakým způsobem může organizace AAAGCF pomoci s zlepšením sociální situace osob ohrožených sociálním vyloučením. Organizace poskytuje MČ Praha 7 pravidelnou potravinovou pomoc a pastorační činnost. Konkrétně potravinová pomoc zlepšuje životní podmínky klientům Odboru sociálního začleňování, Odboru sociálních věcí, OSPOD a neziskovým organizacím.

On 24th May 2023, we had a meeting at Prague 7 Town Hall in Czech. It was intentionally cut into 7 parts for easy viewing. The videos are below.

Part 1 – setkání radnice Praha 7 – část 1.

Part 2 – setkání radnice Praha 7 – část 2.

Part 3 – setkání radnice Praha 7 – část 3.
Part 4 – setkání radnice Praha 7 – část 4.
Part 5 – setkání radnice Praha 7 – část 5.
Part 6 – setkání radnice Praha 7 – část 6.
Part 7 – setkání radnice Praha 7 – část 7.


I had an amazing experience at the Resnick Aspen Action Forum. Below is a short video and pictures from the conference.

I attended the 2023 Resnick Aspen Action Forum, which took place from July 25-28 in Aspen, Colorado. The theme of the forum was „Courage, Healing, and Repair,“ and I learned a lot about how to create a more just and equitable world.

The forum featured a variety of speakers and workshops, all focused on helping us to become more courageous leaders. I learned how to build strong relationships, how to overcome my fears, and how to take bold action to make a difference.

I also had the opportunity to connect with other leaders from around the world. I believe that we can learn a lot from each other, and I am grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with others to create a better future.

I am grateful for the opportunity to attend this important forum. I know that it was a valuable experience that helped me to become a more effective leader.

Children's Home Prague 9

Visit to Children’s Home in Prague 9

Children's Home Prague 9
Children’s Home Prague 9

On Wednesday 30th August 2023, we delivered some much needed supplies a children’s home in Dolní Počernice in Prague 9. We arrived with a good amount of food supplies and enjoyed talking to many of the children who live there.