Měsíční archivy: Prosinec 2023

Distributing Food To Homeless near Prague Main Station

On this day, December 30, 2023, the AAA Global Care Foundation was present by Prague main station, offering support and supplies to the homeless community. As shown in the images, volunteers, including Pastor Yomi, gave their time and compassion, reaching out to those often forgotten. The foundation’s response to the pressing needs of these individuals reminds us of the power of collective effort in bringing about positive change. Support the AAA Global Care Foundation in their endeavour to create a world filled with kindness and hope. Also see the video of the event, after the photos.

Family in need in Prague December 29th 2023

Helping a Family in Need in Prague

In the heart of winter on December 29, 2023, the AAA Global Care Foundation made a meaningful difference in the lives of a struggling family in Prague. With a steadfast commitment to supporting the vulnerable, the foundation provided essential sustenance and care, bringing a glimmer of hope during tough times. Their mission is to make a real impact, one family at a time. If you’re aware of someone in need, reaching out to the foundation could be a step towards offering them a helping hand.

Christmas Eve Meal Distribution, Prague

On Christmas Eve, December 24, 2023, the AAA Global Care Foundation was out in the center of Prague, where they offered a gesture of kindness to those in need. Under the city’s bright street lights and against the backdrop of historic buildings, three men could be seen enjoying a seasonal gift of food. They were served a warm meal of risotto with fried mackerel, a comforting reprieve from the winter cold that enveloped the cobblestone streets.

Wrapped up in thick jackets and hats, the men also received a treat of Milka chocolates, adding a sweet note to the holiday evening. The picture captures a simple yet meaningful exchange: full bowls in hand, smiles, and the togetherness that embodies the spirit of Christmas. It was a night that brought the warmth of generosity to the cold, dark streets of Prague, demonstrating the foundation’s commitment to caring for those who are often overlooked.

Help Homeless in Holesovice Train station

On Friday 22.12.2023 the AAA Global Care Foundation continued their tradition of showing kindness and compassion to the homeless people in Holesovice Train station, Prague 7.They brightened their days by providing them with food and essentials. They recognized their dignity and humanity, and affirmed that they too have a right to a better life.


On 21.12.2023,AAA Global Care Foundation organised a large-scale distribution of rice to the residents of Ebute-Meta,Lagos.The distribution aimed to alleviate food insecurity and provide essential sustenance to those living in challenging circumstances.The foundation’s presence in this densely populated area was crucial and the distribution of rice stood as a testament to the organisation’s dedication to making a positive impact in the community. The foundation’s proactive initiative and commitment to providing support to communities in need, particularly in densely populated slums, demonstrate a commendable effort in addressing food insecurity in the region.

Food Delivery to Ukranian Families

On December 15th, the AAA Global Care Foundation organized the delivery of groceries to vulnerable Ukrainian families in Prague. This charitable act took place in the Municipal District of Praha 7, where social workers gathered alongside a representative from a Ukrainian family (2nd from the right in the picture) at the District office for the handover of essential supplies.

Rice For Nigeria in Lagos

AAA Global Care Foundation Extends RICE FOR NIGERIA Project to Agege, Lagos

December 14, 2023

In a heart warming extension of its outreach, the AAA Global Care Foundation, under the visionary leadership of Yomi Akinyemi, has broadened the scope of its „RICE FOR NIGERIA“ project by reaching out to Agege, a challenging suburb and local government area in the Ikeja Division of Lagos State, Nigeria.

Established with a mission to uplift young people in underserved communities, the AAA Global Care Foundation is not just an organization but a beacon of hope. It aims to empower the youth through education and motivation, providing them with the tools they need to build a brighter future.

Today, the streets of Agege were filled with hope and gratitude as the AAA Global Care Foundation team distributed free packages of rice to those in need. This gesture is part of their ongoing commitment to combat hunger and provide essential support to underserved communities.

The „RICE FOR NIGERIA“ project is a testament to the foundation’s dedication to making a tangible difference in the lives of many. By addressing basic needs, the foundation is laying the groundwork for more significant change – one where education and motivation can take root and flourish.

Residents of Agege received the team with open arms, their faces lighting up with smiles as they accepted the packages of rice. These moments were captured in heartfelt photos, showcasing the real impact of the foundation’s work.

Yomi Akinyemi, the founder, expressed his joy and commitment to the cause: “Our work in Agege today marks a significant milestone in our journey. We are not just distributing food; we are sowing seeds of hope and laying the foundation for a better tomorrow. Our ultimate goal is to see these communities thrive, with education and self-empowerment leading the way.”

The AAA Global Care Foundation continues to inspire and make a difference, proving that with compassion and action, positive change is always possible. Their work in Agege is just the beginning of a broader initiative to reach more communities and touch more lives across Nigeria and beyond.


See below videos and pictures of the event. A huge thank you to all the committed volunteers who made this happen today.

These are the committed volunteers of AAA Global Care Foundation in Lagos

It was a lively event

Distributing the packages

Many people arrived

👆This is Angwar ROMI a remote area in Kaduna, Northern Nigeria. TODAY, RICE FOR NIGERIA project was carried out by AAA GLOBAL CARE FOUNDATION volunteers

RICE FOR NIGERIA project in Ungwan Romi

Today AAA Global Care Foundation distributed rice in Ungwan Romi, Kaduna, Under Kaduna south. Part of it is under Chukun Local Government Area. You can see the location here on Google maps. https://maps.app.goo.gl/5gWHtw8eKvfbcqjn8

Over 250 people received 3kg and 5kg packages containing rice and beans and spices. You can see how essential this is by the reactions of some of the recipients in the videos below.

Thank you to all the AAA GLOBAL CARE FOUNDATION volunteers who made this happen. See images and videos below.

👆This is Angwar ROMI a remote area in Kaduna, Northern Nigeria. TODAY, RICE FOR NIGERIA project was carried out by AAA GLOBAL CARE FOUNDATION volunteers