Archiv štítků: prague

AAA Global Care Foundation and Pastor Akinyemi providing food to Prague's homeless community

Distributing Food Supplies to Prague’s Homeless, March 2024

Last week, from March 4th to 9th, Pastor Akinyemi and AAA Global Care Foundation took to the streets of Prague for a direct mission: to distribute food to the homeless. Their operation was simple – using their personal car, they provided oranges and packaged food to those in need across Prague’s districts 1, 5, 7, and 13.

These areas are recognized as common meeting points for the city’s homeless community, and the pastor frequently visits these locations. The aim was to offer a bit of comfort in the form of nutritious food. Oranges, a healthy source of vitamins, and various packaged goods could make a small but meaningful difference in the lives of individuals who often go without.

The efforts of the week were captured in a video montage, highlighting the quiet yet impactful work done by the AAA Global Care Foundation. The focus was on practical help, extending a hand in a time of need.

This initiative is part of an ongoing and regular effort to support and connect with the homeless community in Prague. By maintaining a humble approach, the foundation hopes to not only provide immediate assistance but also to build trust and relationships with those they serve.

After providing a homeless couple with groceries, Pastor Akinyemi assisted them to the metro, adding a personal touch to the day’s food distribution efforts in Prague.

After providing a homeless couple with groceries, Pastor Akinyemi assisted them to the metro, adding a personal touch to the day’s food distribution efforts in Prague.

#AAAGlobalCare #Prague #FoodDistribution #CommunityHelp #Volunteering #SimpleActs #MakeADifference #Support #NonProfit

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February 2024 – Grocery Distribution to Homeless People in Central Prague

On Thursday, 15th February 2024, the AAA Global Care Foundation team returned to central Prague late in the evening to distribute groceries to the homeless. This event marked a significant moment, as Pastor Yomi had just come back from Nigeria, where he participated in the „Rice for Nigeria“ project, and the volunteers had been on a holiday break. The homeless community had keenly felt their absence and were genuinely delighted to see Pastor Yomi and the team again.

Prague Families Receive Helping Hand from AAA Global Care Foundation

On Saturday, February 17th, the AAA Global Care Foundation continued its work supporting families in need across Prague. They delivered essential groceries to grateful families, bringing a bit of relief and a reminder that they’re not alone.

The pictures show the impact of their efforts. Families, with genuine smiles, received the much-needed supplies. Each bag represented more than just food; it represented hope and a helping hand.

The AAA Global Care Foundation goes beyond simply providing basic necessities. They understand the importance of building community and fostering hope, especially during challenging times. By consistently reaching out and offering support, they make a real difference in the lives of countless individuals.

This act of kindness inspires us all. It reminds us of the power we each have to impact others, even through seemingly small gestures. Let’s celebrate the AAA Global Care Foundation’s dedication and strive to emulate their compassion in our own lives, creating a brighter future for everyone in need.

Regular Outreach: Bringing Hope to Prague’s Homeless

Today, January 5th, 2024, was an enriching experience in Prague. I engaged in our regular outreach activity, meeting with my homeless friends across different parts of the city. Their gratitude for the reading glasses and bibles we provided was deeply touching. Each visit strengthens our bond and reinforces my eagerness for our next gathering. This initiative is more than just an act of giving; it’s a journey towards a more loving and compassionate world. Join us in this mission to make a difference and make the world a better place.

Distributing Food To Homeless near Prague Main Station

On this day, December 30, 2023, the AAA Global Care Foundation was present by Prague main station, offering support and supplies to the homeless community. As shown in the images, volunteers, including Pastor Yomi, gave their time and compassion, reaching out to those often forgotten. The foundation’s response to the pressing needs of these individuals reminds us of the power of collective effort in bringing about positive change. Support the AAA Global Care Foundation in their endeavour to create a world filled with kindness and hope. Also see the video of the event, after the photos.

Family in need in Prague December 29th 2023

Helping a Family in Need in Prague

In the heart of winter on December 29, 2023, the AAA Global Care Foundation made a meaningful difference in the lives of a struggling family in Prague. With a steadfast commitment to supporting the vulnerable, the foundation provided essential sustenance and care, bringing a glimmer of hope during tough times. Their mission is to make a real impact, one family at a time. If you’re aware of someone in need, reaching out to the foundation could be a step towards offering them a helping hand.

Christmas Eve Meal Distribution, Prague

On Christmas Eve, December 24, 2023, the AAA Global Care Foundation was out in the center of Prague, where they offered a gesture of kindness to those in need. Under the city’s bright street lights and against the backdrop of historic buildings, three men could be seen enjoying a seasonal gift of food. They were served a warm meal of risotto with fried mackerel, a comforting reprieve from the winter cold that enveloped the cobblestone streets.

Wrapped up in thick jackets and hats, the men also received a treat of Milka chocolates, adding a sweet note to the holiday evening. The picture captures a simple yet meaningful exchange: full bowls in hand, smiles, and the togetherness that embodies the spirit of Christmas. It was a night that brought the warmth of generosity to the cold, dark streets of Prague, demonstrating the foundation’s commitment to caring for those who are often overlooked.

Help Homeless in Holesovice Train station

On Friday 22.12.2023 the AAA Global Care Foundation continued their tradition of showing kindness and compassion to the homeless people in Holesovice Train station, Prague 7.They brightened their days by providing them with food and essentials. They recognized their dignity and humanity, and affirmed that they too have a right to a better life.

Food Delivery to Ukranian Families

On December 15th, the AAA Global Care Foundation organized the delivery of groceries to vulnerable Ukrainian families in Prague. This charitable act took place in the Municipal District of Praha 7, where social workers gathered alongside a representative from a Ukrainian family (2nd from the right in the picture) at the District office for the handover of essential supplies.