Our most recent activities

AAA Global Care Foundation and PNC Continue Their Support for Prague’s Homeless

On July 22nd, 2024, the AAA Global Care Foundation once again joined forces with the Nigerian charity PNC ("Praying for Nigeria and the Church") to provide aid [...]

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AAA Global Care Foundation and PNC Join Forces to Help Prague’s Homeless

On July 3rd, 2024, the AAA Global Care Foundation, in partnership with the Nigerian charity PNC ("Praying for Nigeria and the Church"), took to the streets of [...]

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The International Conference on Digital Czech Republic

The AAA Global Care Foundation (AAAGCF) recently joined global leaders and innovators at the International Conference on Digital Czech Republic, held in Prague on June 18-19, 2024. [...]

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Prague European Summit 2024

The Prague European Summit is a platform for strategic dialogue on collective responses to the EU's challenges. It brings together public officials, business and NGO representatives, academics, [...]

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LEGO For Children of Prague

After bringing smiles to the faces of children in need at the Prague Children's Home, the AAA Global Care Foundation took its LEGO mission to the streets [...]

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Benny, We Share Your Pain

"Benny! You're loved and hope you'll get back on your feet as soon as possible. We share your pain." [...]

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Collection of Food Items and Basic Necessities

On April 2023, the AAA Global Care Foundation in partnership with the Czech food bank collected over 1000 kg of food items and basic necessities which were further distributed to the less privileged.


V ČR je rýže běžná, ale v Nigérii může zachránit životy. Nadace AAA Global Care Foundation plánuje v prosinci 2023 zakoupit 500 pytlů rýže, podpořit farmáře a potřebné rodiny. Můžete přispět na projekt RÝŽE PRO NIGÉRII a pomoci. Děkujeme za podporu. Přečtěte si více



In the Czech Republic, rice is common, but in Nigeria it can save lives. The AAA Global Care Foundation plans to purchase 500 bags of rice in December 2023 to support farmers and families in need. You can donate to the RICE FOR NIGERIA project and help. Thank you for your support. READ MORE

Rice for Nigeria